Steamsaun xButler Package
The price will update as you select your options. Full product description below configurable options.
This package includes the following:
- Autoflush Valve for worry free maintenance included.
- Drain pan for safety included.
- Steamlinx™ Wifi Interface included.
- Matching color of black or white steamhead
- Highest quality steam unit made in the USA with a lifetime warranty.
Select your KW Size and Control/Steamhead finish.
- Select your color of the iSteamx™ Digital Time / Temperature Control / Steamhead in Black or White.
- Select your Mr Steam Bath Generator size.
From $4,046.00 Regular Price $5,780.00
To $6,041.00 Regular Price $8,630.00
In stock
Featuring the iSteamx, MrSteam's most advanced controlxBUTLER™ STEAM SHOWER PACKAGEInstall. Touch. Relax. The Most Sophisticated Butler since Jeeves. What sets iButler™ apart is that it features the most advanced control we offer, the iSteamx™ Sleek and slimline, mounting nearly flush on the wall of your shower, the iSteamx™ gives you total control over every detail of your steaming experience. iSTEAMX™Experience MrSteam's award-winning ultimate steam command center |